Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Another well deserved rest day

On these active breaks you can often go home feeling exhausted! Although an active holiday in itself is relaxing you still need to have the odd time where you just take the weight off and do little. Today was one of those days.

In tourist mode today

We went for coffee, wandered round the shops and re-visited the Chapel and cemetery. The main chapel was closed which was a shame as the sheer size of it indicated that it would have been beautiful inside.

We were out for a good few hours before returning to the the hotel to lounge in the garden reading and relaxing. It was a reasonably cool day, probably around 17 degrees and after a while we ventured back indoors.

After dinner we headed back into the town centre to listen to the local brass band, who play twice a week in Kitzbuhel. They were appropriately suited and booted and looked and sounded fantastic.